men’s events

Come join other men for a casual dinner and trivia night. We will begin at 6PM with a hot dog bar, and we'll finish the night with several rounds of trivia. All men (ages middle school and up!) are invited to this fun event. Trivia teams will be encouraged to include men of different ages and generations in order to answer the diverse array of questions. Please register so we know you're coming! If you have any questions, please contact Mark.


Sexual Integrity 101 is an 8-week course designed for any man who desires to learn more about stewarding their sexuality in a biblical and honoring way. This group began in September and is currently meeting on Wednesday evenings. Contact Mark for more information about future groups.

men's small groups


You are invited to join a small group!

Relationships and community are vital to our spiritual growth. We grow best in community, not in isolation. We believe that a small group can play an essential part in making disciples and experiencing growth in our walks with the Lord. It creates intimacy that helps guard against the challenges that arise when believers function in isolation. If you are interested in joining a group, please look at our current groups below. Additionally, we are constantly in the process of adding new groups. If you are interested in starting a group, please contact Mark Olsen at


Current Men’s groups