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"Our mission is to provide a safe & loving environment where children discover & experience the love of Christ within our community of leaders, teachers, & families and extend that love to their world."



Easter is quickly approaching. This opens up a great opportunity for you to serve our church on the most highly attended Sunday of the year. Each year we strive to warmly welcome all who walk through our doors and reach the children of visiting friends and families in our greater community with the wonderful message of Jesus' resurrection. Please consider helping us this year by serving during the week leading up to, or at one of the many Easter weekend services (Friday and Sunday). We need lots of hands on both our children’s and hospitality teams.


connect with Mill Creek Kids online

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What we’re learning in kids church:

This year, we’re going to prioritize memorizing scripture. We’ll have a new memory verse every month and encourage students to memorize all 12 verses!

March’s memory verse:

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Joshua 1:8


Hey Parents! Subscribe to our Kids News Letter Below!


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