Every year we lead the Church into a specific time of prayer and fasting. We are proclaiming as a Church that Jesus is first in this new year. (Matthew 6:33). As we seek God together in this way we expect that He will speak to us and move powerfully in our hearts and homes (Hebrews 11:6). If MC4 is your Church home we are asking you and your families to participate in this fast and we encourage you to prepare your heart for how you will seek God during this time. You may have some questions about fasting so, please read through the rest of this page for some of our thoughts and suggestions as you join your Church family in “dedicating" this year to the Lord Jesus!
Fasting is when someone or a group of people abstain from food either fully or partially for a specific period of time in order to seek God through prayer. Many people in Biblical times practiced fasting as a spiritual discipline or in response to a specific need. In the Old Testament, Israel was required by God to fast collectively at least once a year on the Day of Atonement as well as other occasions. In the New Testament, we have records of the early church fasting and praying together for specific reasons and reliable church history tells us that Christians practiced fasting at least twice a week.
Knowing what a fast is doesn’t necessarily mean we understand its purpose. We can find many good Scriptural reasons for fasting and below you will find a short list that may be helpful. It’s important to remember that we not only fast and pray for ourselves, but also for those around us.
1. To humble ourselves to God through repentance – (Psalm 35:13, 1 Samuel 7:6, Ezra 9)
2. To draw closer to God – (James 4:8)
3. To receive revelation from God’s Word – (Ephesians 1:17-22)
4. To know God’s will or direction – (Acts 13:1-2)
5. To seek healing/deliverance – (Isaiah 58, Matthew 17:21)
6. To seek God’s intervention – (2 Samuel 12:16-23, 2 Chronicles 20:3)
7. To intercede for others – (Daniel 9:3)
There are many different ways to do a fast. The most important part of fasting is the time we spend with God in prayer. If we deny ourselves food and do not pray then we will accomplish nothing. The following types of fasts are simply references to what we can do as we seek the Lord in prayer.
1. Full Fast
A full fast is where you go completely without food for a specific amount of time. There are at least four references in the Bible where people fasted food and water; however, we are only referencing food as a ‘full fast’ for obvious reasons. If you choose to do a full fast then we recommend you consult with others prior to doing so, especially if you take any kinds of medication.
2. Partial Fast
A partial fast is to simply go without a meal or two during the day of your fast. For example, you could fast from breakfast and lunch and spend an extended amount of time in prayer in place of that meal. There are no rules to this kind of fasting but you should decide beforehand what you will do and stick to it as with all fasts.
3. Daniel Fast
This kind of fast comes from Daniel chapter 10, where Daniel had a terrifying vision that caused him to abstain from all pleasant food and drink. If you choose to do this kind of fast then essentially you will be abstaining from all “meats, sweets, and treats.” Most people stick to fruits, vegetables and nuts or similar kinds of protein. There are many resources online that could provide healthy options with this fast.
4. Media Fast (Daniel 6:18)
Sometimes we are unable to participate in abstaining from food for various reasons, however, this does not mean we cannot fast and pray. We strongly encourage you to fast by replacing some forms of entertainment (TV, movies, internet surfing) with prayer and intentional time with family. God often uses this kind of fast to quiet the noise in our life and increase our ability to hear His voice.
1. Plan your fast – (What kind of fast? How long? Write your plan out clearly!)
2. Be specific with your fasting – (Know why you’re fasting and what you’re praying for)
3. Plan your prayer time for each day – (When will you pray? Make this part of your plan)
4. Journal your fast – (God will speak to you, but it may mean more at another time - journal)
5. Drink lots of water – (We get most of our water from food, so double up on your water)
6. Invite Accountability – (It’s good to share what you’re doing with a trusted friend)